Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Extra Crelvetica

I've seen most of Helvetica before when my friend Perry downloaded it on itunes one day. I like the film alot, especially the way it not only focuses on the font itself and what it did for visual design, but mostly how it showed some great characters in the world of typography. I don't really think I would sit down to watch an 80 minute movie on typeface again, but the way some of these designers are almost perverted in their appreciation of Helvetica is pretty enjoyable. The film was really well paced, and the scenes flashing different examples of Helvetica all over major cities are almost hypnotic. And the score is awesome.

whenever I think of Helvetica, one particular instance never leaves my mind, and thats on the cover of the Chuck Klosterman novel Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0743236017.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

ikea overuses it as well

so thats that

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